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Maga Con 2015

Writer's picture: Arthur BallArthur Ball

This year MegaCon 2015 was the bomb. It has been less bomb like in the past, but I loved this one. My girlfriend and I drove down to Orlando, Florida Thursday afternoon. After about 7 hours and one speeding ticket. We got there about 1:00 am Friday morning. I had some rewards points so I was able to stay at a pretty nice hotel. We checked in, slept and then did what I do whenever I leave Atlanta, GA. We ate at Denny's. (The greatest restaurant ever.) If you don't like Denny's then... MOVE TO RUSSIA!

I didn't Instagram, Twitter & Facebook as much as I wanted to. The cellular reception inside the con was bananas, but I did get a lot of pictures. This was my table. I'm perfecting my set up just yet. It's getting there. I had plenty of people walking by that were reading and making comments on my art. This beautiful young lady was the first person to by something from me. She purchased a hand made wooden Captain America shield for her boyfriend. What a nice girlfriend to give the gift of protection from sharp objects.

I sat across from A maker of fine protective coverings for collectibles. They had the beautiful cosplayer and model, Ireland Reid (@Irelandreid) at there table signing autographs and generally looking attractive. Like a sexy lure in a see of nerdy and socially awkward men fish. I got a chance to talk with her a bit each day and she is a super nice Above Average Sexy Lady. Follow her on the twitter to see what she's up to, what she thinks and of course a lot of cleavage. She is kind enough to share that last bit with the world, so be appreciative and polite please. Of course Ireland wasn't the only cosplayer there. There were lots of great costumes, fun conversations and weird experiences. The hallmarks of any truly good convention. (I think some of these are from 2016, not sure.)

My absolute favorite cosplayer of the night was this bad ass Ox-King from Dragon Ball Z. I just realized I called him King Yemma on my Instagram. (I feel like such a bad nerd now.) His jolly laugh and mannerisms really helped to sell the character. Plus I just love this picture.

The prize for BEST cosplay has to go to this guy dressed or not dressed as Dr. Manhattan from the Watchmen. Now the costume isn't very elaborate and the paint was getting worn off around his butt cheeks, but this guy had the balls to walk around a very crowded convention in underwear. Plus the room was very cold, so that had to be uncomfortable. The shrinkage factor must have been on his mind all weekend. To face that he is the bravest guy at the show in my opinion. This isn't a cosplay thing, but it's happened to me twice recently and is going to be a new thing I look for. My T-Shirt Twin! We were separated at birth, but after years apart and across great distances we found each other.

I even got some great Words of Wisdom from an another Above Average Artist, George Perez. He said "You are my last picture of the day kid, so make it quick." Wow, that is why he is a legend. I met him once a couple years before at Fetish Con in Tampa, FL. He had a bunch of woman in tight vinyl outfits around him. He seemed happy. I let you speculate as to why we were at a fetish convention in the comments below. Speaking of artist, I'm one of those. I'm the Above Average Artist and being that, I got to do some drawings for people during the convention. A nice family asked for this Danger Mouse with a gun. I have no knowledge of Danger Mouse, but they had reference and paper. It was fun to draw. That's Robert Baratheon behind them. I told him the Bore that killed him was delicious. (That's a Game of Thrones reference.)

Later I got asked by this young girl to draw Riff Raff & Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture Show. The girl is 14, so a bit young to know about that movie, but EH. (She paid for it.) The picture came out really well. While I was drawing it a guy walked by and actually called it what it was. She's teaching him the TIME WARP! Let's do it again.

Let no one say I'm not generous. This young fella came by and asked for a sketch. He didn't know what he wanted, so I went to my go to sketch, Spider-Man upside down. (Everyone always loves that one.) I just like drawing him upside down. I only charged the kid $80. Just kidding! (I did it for free.) Immediately after drawing this I was interviewed for the Zowie Kerpowey Podcast. after reading this check them out, but Only After!

I also did this groovy picture of an Arcanine (a Pokémon) and a Yorkie (a dog) with a dirty inside joke written on it. It reads... "No time for filthy casuals." I hope the guy these to lovelies give it to like it as much as they did.

I have a couple other stories from the show, but I'm going to break this post up a bit and share them later. Stay tuned though, the stories involve Stan Lee and a follow up to my Amanda Conner story. (She still has my Bracelet.) Overall the show was extremely fun and I had a blast. I even got this awesome souvenir. I put it on the shelf next to my bed, but my girlfriend wants me to move it. The eyes kinda follow you around. (Thanks for the pictures Ireland Reid.)

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