In an old cartoon about this world where anthropomorphic animals and people coexist in peace and harmony until criminals in this world appear, break the laws that they should fear, frighten all who see or hear. The cry goes up both far and near for UNDERDOG!
The theme song always had this weirdly dark and ominous feel to it.
There’s no need to fear, Underdog is here! When criminals in this world appear, And break the laws that they should fear, And frighten all who see or hear, The cry goes up both far and near for Underdog (x4) Speed of lightning, roar of thunder, Fighting all who rob or plunder Underdog (x3) When in this world the headlines read Of those whose hearts are filled with greed And rob and steal from those in need. To right this wrong with blinding speed goes Underdog (x4) Speed of lightning, roar of thunder, Fighting all who rob or plunder Underdog (x3) Written by: William Watts “Buck” Biggers Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher
The beginning of that song also happens to be Underdog’s catch phrase. I made this tall comic strip. I sell prints of my art in this tall skinny format. That’s how I got this tall layout. I also really love breaking, overlapping or making panel frames go around stuff. Why just have a box? It does make it hard to show this in other social media settings.